Durham Performing Arts Center
The unforgettable Broadway show, "The Neil Diamond Musical", is captivating audiences in Durham, North Carolina this January 2025.
Experience the inspiring real-life story of one of the iconic American singer-songwriters of all time. At Durham Performing Arts Center in Durham, experience Diamond going from a humble beginning growing up in Brooklyn to a rock-and-roll legend who captivated and delighted generations. Sing along to the beloved classics you know and love while enjoying a fantastic story.
The Broadway show, written by the award-winning screenwriter Anthony McCarten, was brilliantly developed by Robert Gaudio and the acclaimed producer Ken Davenport. With help from more than 60 years of Diamond's musical masterpieces, the team produced a "theatrical masterpiece" with songs that showcase "lives of their own," as McCarten explained during an interview with The Boston Globe for the Neil Diamond Musical.
Come and see the 2025 USA Tour, and see the legendary story by securing your tickets for A Beautiful Noise - Neil Diamond Musical. Admission for this Thursday 9th January 2025 showing at Durham Performing Arts Center can be yours from $68.
Durham Performing Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
Durham Performing Arts Center
This amazing play will be playing at 25 cities across America over the next year. You can enjoy this exciting journey at Durham Performing Arts Center in Durham, North Carolina on Thursday 9th January 2025. Tickets go for as low as $68 and are selling fast, so secure yours today to see the Neil Diamond musical in your city!
The Broadway musical, written by the critically acclaimed Anthony McCarten, was produced by Robert Gaudio and the two-time Tony Award-winner Ken Davenport. With help from more than 6 decades of Diamond’s music, the team produced a “musical collage” with songs that take on "lives of their own”, as McCarten said during an interview with The Boston Globe.
This magnificent two-hour-and-15-minute adventure comprises two acts. The first act ends with the timeless classic Sweet Caroline, followed by a 15-minute intermission. After restocking on food and drink, rejoin the show for another hour of beautiful songs and engaging performances.
Many long-time fans of Neil Diamond still remember when his 1976 album, A Beautiful Noise, first dropped. Those same fans will never forget experiencing the musical of the same name it came to Durham. The exciting performance fascinated audiences from the opening act with a full engaging story and memorable songs.
Afterward, the production took on Broadway, running from late 2022 into early 2024 at the Broadhurst Theatre. Talents like Will Swenson (playing Neil Diamond), Mark Jacoby (present-day Diamond), and Linda Powell (The Doctor) all delivered fantastic performances from the Boston production.
The show swiftly spread its reach. Now, new faces make up the traveling cast, including the American Idol winner, Nick Fradiani, (playing Neil Diamond).
The production follows the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, starting in the present day with Westenberg sitting in a therapist’s office. As Diamond, he talks about how he can no longer make music like he used, as the therapist helps him cope with that realization throughout A Beautiful Noise.
The production goes back to Diamond's youth, discussing his introduction to music and all memorable moments since then, including his journey to stardom and struggle with depression. But, what die-hard fans anticipate most is re-experiencing Diamond’s catalog of songs in the Neil Diamond Musical.
While the Broadway show was nominated for Outstanding Production of a Musical and Outstanding New Broadway Musical, the performers took home the gold. Hoggett, Hurder, and LeProtto won Outstanding Ensemble in a Broadway Show for their dance routines. Other award nominations include the Drama Desk Award and Drama League Awards.
A Beautiful Noise is gripping viewers with its heart across the country. So, experience the never-before-seen Broadway show rendition of an amazing singer's rise to fame and this Grammy Lifetime Achievement winner’s tale.
Durham Performing Arts Center, Durham, North Carolina, , US