Durham Performing Arts Center
With a voice unrivaled Ladies R&B Kickback Concert is the type of singer that always produces an amazing live show that cannot be compared to anyone or anything before it. You know many of the beats, you know all of the lyrics, and now is the best time to hear Ladies R&B Kickback Concert and front and center! On Friday 3rd November 2023 in 2023, Ladies R&B Kickback Concert travels to Durham, North Carolina and guarantees that you will leave feeling brand NEW! Critics have lauded this latest tour as a must-see, so do what you can to catch this act! To gain entry, click on the ‘get tickets’ button and reserve your seats today!
As an R&B aficionado you probably have laser-focus in selecting the premier concerts in town. How do you figure out which ones are worth the price of admission? Ladies R&B Kickback Concert in Durham is one such concert you are encouraged to be there! The show will have all the trappings that a fantastic performance should possess. First off and in no specific order should be the artists themselves. They absolutely should be professional. Secondly, there should be ample parking so you won’t have to worry about a spot, PLUS safe walking distance from Durham Performing Arts Center. The third must-have item should be exceptionalsound. The acoustics should be crispand the lighting and interior decking should be classy with an ambiance that is soothing and low-key. Ladies R&B Kickback Concert in North Carolina promises all this and so much more! Secure tickets today and have a magical R&B experience! Click the ‘get tickets’ button now!
Durham Performing Arts Center, Durham, North Carolina, , US